{{pfw:banner.png}} (* USCI-B SPI on P1 of MSP430G2553 020 = P1IN - Input register 021 = P1OUT - Output register 022 = P1DIR - Direction register 026 = P1SEL - Configuration register 1 027 = P1REN - Resistance on/off 041 = P1SEL2 - Configuration register 2 P1 is used for interfacing the SPI P1.4 - CS \ SPI enable low x1=Select P1.5 - CLOCKPULSE \ Clock x1=Clock P1.6 - MISO \ Data bitstream in x0=Miso P1.7 - MOSI \ Data bitstream out x1=Mosi More SPI info on page 444ff of SLAU144J.PDF Configuration of the pins on page 49ff of SLAS735J.PDF *) ( USCI-B SPI interface ) hex v: fresh : SPI-ON ( -- ) 1 69 *bis \ UCB0CTL1 Reset USCI F0 22 c! \ P1DIR P1.4, P1.5, P1.6 and P1.7 output E0 26 *bis \ P1SEL P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 is SPI E0 41 *bis \ P1SEL2 A9 68 *bis \ UCB0CTL0 Clk=low, MSB first, Master, Synchroon 80 69 *bis \ UCB0CTL1 USCI clock = SMClk 4 6A c! \ UCB0BR0 Clock is 8Mhz/4 = 2MHz 0 6B c! \ UCB0BR1 0 6C c! \ UCB0MCTL Not used must be zero! 1 69 *bic \ UCB0CTL1 Free USCI 10 21 *bis ; \ P1OUT CS = 1 code SPI-I/O ( b1 -- b2 ) \ Read and write at SPI-bus B2F2 , 03 , \ begin, #8 03 & .b bit \ IFG2 2BFD , \ cs? until, 47C2 , 6F , \ tos 6F & .b mov \ UCB0TXBUF B2E2 , 03 , \ begin, #4 03 & .b bit \ IFG2 2BFD , \ cs? until, 4257 , 6E , \ 6E & tos .b mov \ UCB0RXBUF next \ next end-code : SPI-OUT ( b -- ) spi-i/o drop ; \ Write b to SPI-bus : SPI-IN ( -- b ) 0 spi-i/o ; \ Read b from SPI : SPI} ( -- ) 10 21 *bis ; \ P1OUT SPI off CS=high : {SPI ( -- ) 10 21 *bic ; \ P1OUT SPI on, CS=low spi-on v: fresh shield spi\ freeze