While the KKS and JP books are available, our stack of books is just a list of documentations and links, which is expanded as more becomes available.
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Rather, Elizabeth D., and the technical stuff of Forth Inc.: Forth Application Techniques; revised edition released March 2008
Rather, Elizabeth D., and Conklin, Edward K.: Forth Programmer's Handbook; A detailed, technical Forth manual for experienced programmers. 3rd Edition, September 2007
Smith, Norman E.: Write your own Programming Language Using C++ (2nd Edition)(FORTH Implementierung). Woodware, 1996.
Hendtlass, Tim: Real Time Forth, Swinburne University of Technology, 1993
Noble, Julian V.: Scientific Forth. Mechum Banks Publishing. Charlottesville, 1992
Woehr, Jack: Forth: The New Model - A Programmer's Handbook. M&T Publishing, 1992
Ting, C. H.: eForth Implementation Guide, Offete Enterprises, 1990.
Ting, C. H.: More on Forth Engines, Volume 12, Offete Enterprises, 1990.
Ting, C. H.: Forth Notebook Volume 2, Offete Enterprises, 1990.
Zöller, Horst und Loewe, Heiko: FORTH in der Automatisierung - Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Anwendung. VDI, 1990.
Kühnel, Claus: Messen und Steuern mit FORTH auf dem Kleincomputer. Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus, 1990.
Ting, C. H.: F-PC 3.5 Technical Reference Manual, 2nd Ed., Offete Enterprises INC, 1989
Ting, C. H.: F-PC Users Manual, 3rd Ed. for Version 3.5, Offete Enterprises INC, 1989
ACM: Proceedings of the first annual Workshop on Real Time, ACM SIG Forth, 1989
Roberts, S.D.: FORTH Applications. Elcomp Publishing Montclair, 1989.
Mader Manfred:
Atari ST Forth - Einführung in Forth83, Heim Verlag, 1989
Kühnel, Claus: FORTH auf dem Kleincomputer. Militärverlag der DDR, 1988.
Vack, G.-U.: Der Standard Forth-83, 3. verbesserte Auflage, Kammer der Technik Suhl, 1988
Kail, Paul A. C.: FORTH. Einführung und vollständiger Programmierkurs in FORTH, Oldenbourg, 1988.
Ting, C. H.: F83 Reference Manual, Offete Enterprises INC, 1987
Zech, Roland: Forth 83 - Ein gründliche Einführung in die Forth-Version - auch für PC's; Franzis, 1987.
'DR. Dobb': Dr. Dobb's Toolbook of Forth, Vol. II (diverse Autoren); M&T Publishing, 1987.
Aumiller, Rainer; Luda, Denise: Programmieren mit FORTH Atari ST., Markt & Technik, 1987.
Brodie, Leo: In FORTH denken. Ins Deutsche übertragen von Elfi Buchert; Hanser, 1986.
Terry, James D.: Library of Forth Routines and Utilities, Shadow Lawn Press, 1986
Ting, C. H.: Forth Notebook, Offete Enterprises, 1986
Reymann, Joseph: FORTH Einführung in die höhere Programmiersprache. Ins Deutsche übertragen von A. Zimmermann; Goldmann, 1985.
Birkemeyer, Rüdiger: FORTH - Programmiersprache der vierten Generation; Elektor, 1985.
Goppold, Andreas und
Bouteiller Roger: forth:
ein programmiersystem ohne grenzen; Edition Aragon, 1985.
Brodie, Leo:
Thinking FORTH. A Language and Philosophy for Solving Problems; 1984.
Anderson, Anita, Tracy, Martin: Mastering FORTH. Brady Communications Company New York, 1984.
Haydon, Glen B.: All about FORTH. An annotated Glossary of Commen FORTH Ideograms; Mountain View Press, 1984.
Haydon, Kuntze: MVP - FORTH SOURCE LISTING. 8080, IBM-PC, APPLE II; Mountain View Press, 1984.
Floegel, Ekkehard: FORTH Anwendungsbeispiele - Datenverwaltungsprogramme, Geschäftsprogramme, Programmiertechniken, Unterhaltungsprogramme, Künstliche Intelligenz; Hofacker, 1984.
Schmitter, E.-D.: Künstliche Intelligenz - Experimente in Forth und Pascal, Algorithmen, Programmbeispiele; Hofacker, 1984.
McCabe, C. Kevin: Forth Fundamentals Volume 1 - Language usage, dilithium press, 1983
McCabe, C. Kevin: Forth Fundamentals Volume 2 - Language glossary, dilithium press, 1983
Vack, Gert Ulrich: Der Standard FORTH-83; Kammer Der Technik (Bezirksverband Suhl), 1983.
Winfield, A.F.T, The complete Forth, Sigma/Wiley, 1983
Floegel, Ekkehard:
FORTH Handbuch - Grundlagen Einführung Bespiele; Hofacker, 1982.
Scanlon, Leo S., Forth Programming, Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc, 1982
Derick, Mitch und Baker, Linda, FORTH Encycopedia - The complete FORTH Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, Mountain View Press, 1982
Brodie, Leo:
Starting Forth. An Introduction to the FORTH Language and Operating System for Beginners and Professionals, FORTH Inc., 1981.