{{pfw:banner.png}} ====== SPI protocol, GD32VF103 versions ====== For these systems there is SPI in bitbang and/or hardware version: * [[en:pfw:spi_gd32vf_noforth|noforth]], SPI for noForth including examples, OLED, Flash memory, etc. * [[en:pfw:spi_gd32vf_mecrisp-quintus|mecrisp-quintus]], SPI for mecrisp including a BME280 & SD-card example ---- {{https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11397265/120066830-9a2a3d00-c078-11eb-8c5e-d7b48160e945.jpg|Inlezen een karakter in noForth}} **Read a character using SPI from a W25Q64 external Flash memory** The hardware user manual of the [[http://www.gd32mcu.com/download/down/document_id/181/path_type/1|GD32F103]] may be used to get some additional info on the GD32VF103 chips!\\ **But take care the site is by current browser standards seen as a security risk!**