Sensors, an overview

The idea is to give examples for a variety of available sensors.
To measure time, temperature, pressure, magnetism, distance, light level, etc.

Some examples

Temperature Light Motion Contact Reflection
LM75 APDS9300 SB312 Microswitch CNY70
LM75 temperature sensor ADPS9300 light sensor PIR-sensor example Mechanical touch sensor Ushi reflection sensor-3a

Sensor Purpose Short description
HC-SR04 Measure distance Measures distance using Ultrasonic sound
LM75(A) Temperature Measures temperature with .5° Celsius resolution
TMP75 Temperature Measures temperature with 0.0625° Celsius resolution
APDS9300 (IR)Light Infrared and visual light sensor
PIR Motion detector Passive infrared motion detector
Touch Touch sensors Mechanical switch or capacitive touch switch & slider
BME280Pressure, temperature & humidityMeasure pressure, temperature and humidity
TCND5000 Reflection sensor Detection of nearby subjects, other examples are: IS471F or CNY70, see Ushi book

More info look at each individual subject.