===== Kangaroo method =====
The "lone" DOES> is used for the creation of only one word rather than for the creation of a category of words.
simple example in noForth
create .DAY ( n -- ) s" SunMonTueWedThuFriSat ? " m, align
does> swap 7 umin 3 * + 3 type ;
example in noForth
create :
assembler ip push w ip mov next forth \ DOCOL
does> create here cell- doer! ] ; \ Action
:noname does> create here cell- doer! ] ;
create :
assembler ip push w ip mov next forth
"faraway" DOES> for forward references in metacompiler
create :
assembler ip push w ip mov next forth
... \ many other definitions
TELL : TO-DO: create here cell- doer! ] ;
literal pool in assembler words with CODE>
code !RP0 ( -- )
ramadr: RP0 , \ register w points to this literal
code> day w ) ldr,
day day ) ldr,
rp day mov,
next, end-code
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