Table of Contents

I2C, The I2C protocol

The PFW universal I2C drivers The I2C protocol is a must-have for any microcontroller. It opens up access to IO-expanders, real-time clocks, more memory and much much more. But starting with I2C in Forth might seem a daunting task. To help you use, and understand, the I2C protocol, PFW has developed a universal set of drivers for 3 different hardware platforms (MSP430, Risc-V, Raspberry/ARM). At the top level the drivers are the same for each platform. For instance, a device-driver for a LCD-display developed for the MSP430 will also work on the other platforms. This makes developing new high-level drivers simple as there are always examples available to base your new driver on. The drivers are structured into 3 classical layers. First a small hardware specific layer for each of the platforms (both a bitbang and internal version for each). On top of this sits a universal high level abstraction layer. And on top of this sit the actual device drivers. Amazingly the hardware specific layer is very small, a few definitions is all that is needed for each platform. And this although the internal I2C-hardware for the 3 platforms is very different.

With these drivers, the use of I2C should not be a problem for anyone. Have fun exploring and using I2C-devices!

The Idea of I2C

i2c-logoI2C is a synchronous serial protocol with two lines (SDA & SCL). It is used for clocks, memory, I/O-expanders, sensors, etc. An in-depth protocol description of the I2C signals can be found on the I2C website or on wikipedia.
SDA Serial Data Line
SCL Serial Clock Line

Note that the I2C-protocol uses 7-bits addresses and a read/write bit, but in some cases an 8-bit address is mentioned. Even the original designer of the protocol, Philips, sometimes falls into this trap.

The low level I2C states for a single master are in short:

I2C logic analyzer tracks A read and a write to a PCF8574

Pseudo code for low level bitbang I2C

This pseudo code is without the use of clock stretching. This is only necessary when you use a multi master system or I2C slaves implemented on slow microcontrollers. Note that the used example works on on a chip with a push/pull output ports

Reserve RAM memory cells named: DEV  SUM  NACK?
Function: WAIT         ( -- )
  Delay for about 5 µsec.

Function: I2START      ( -- )
  Clock line high, wait, generate low flank on data line, wait

Function: I2ACK        ( -- )
  Clock line low, data line low, wait, 
  clock line high, wait

Function: I2NACK       ( -- )
  Clock line low, data line high, wait, 
  clock line high, wait

Function: I2ACK@       ( -- )
  Clock line low, data line high, wait, clock line high, wait
  Read status of data line, store true in NACK? if it is a nack, otherwise false

Function: BUS!         ( x -- )
  8 loop
    clock line low
    write bit-7 level of x to data line, wait
    clock line high, wait
    shift x left
  Discard byte, perform i2ack@

Function: {I2C-ADDR    ( +n -- )
    store +n + 1 in SUM,  perform i2start
    read dev, perform bus!

Higher level I2C access, hides internal details!

Function: I2C-ON       ( -- )
  Setup I/O-bits for two bidirectional 
  open collector lines with pull-up

Function: I2C}         ( -- )
  Clock line high, wait, generate high flank on data line, wait

Function: BUS@         ( -- y )
  Initialise y at zero
  8 loop
    shift y left
    Clock line low, data line high, wait, clock line high, wait
    read data line to bit-0 position of y
  Decrease SUM
  Sum not zero IF  perform i2ack  ELSE  perform i2nack  THEN

Function:  DEVICE!     ( dev -- )
  Multiply dev by 2,  AND result with 0xFE and store in DEV

Function: {I2C-WRITE   ( +n -- )
  Discard +n, perform i2start, read DEV, (bus!
  Read nack? issue error message when true

Function: {I2C-READ    ( +n -- )  
  Store +n in SUM, perform i2start, read DEV and set lowest bit, 
  Perform bus!, read nack? issue error message when true

Function: {DEVICE-OK?} ( -- fl ) \ Flag 'fl' is true when an ACK is received
  Perform {i2c-addr, perform i2c} 
  Read nack?, leave true when result is zero

\ Waiting for an EEPROM write to succeed is named acknowledge polling.
Function: {POLL}      ( -- )          Start loop {device-ok?} leave when ACK received
Function: {I2C-OUT    ( dev +n -- )   Store dev in DEV  perform {i2c-write
Function: {I2C-IN     ( dev +n -- )   Store dev in DEV  perform {i2c-read
Function: BUS!}       ( b -- )        Perform bus!, perform i2c}
Function: BUS@}       ( -- b )        Perform bus@, perform i2c}
Function: BUS-MOVE    ( a u -- )      Sent string of 'u' bytes from 'a' over the I2C-bus

When looked to I2C from a higher level it's access is:

1) Simple write action - Open I2C-bus for write access to bus-address and output one byte to I2C-bus - Close I2C-bus access

2) Multiple write action to a devices register or address: - Open I2C-bus for write access to bus-address and output one byte to I2C-bus - Output one ore more byte(s) to I2C-bus (with auto increment) - Close I2C-bus access

3) A read action from a devices register or address: - Open I2C-bus for write access to bus-address and output the address byte to I2C-bus - Open I2C-bus for reading (Repeated start) - Read one byte from I2C-bus - Close I2C-bus access

4) Multiple read action from a devices register or address: - Open I2C-bus for write access to bus-address and output the address byte to I2C-bus - Open I2C-bus for reading (Repeated start) - Read one or more byte(s) from I2C-bus (with auto increment) - Close I2C-bus access

I2C pseudo code with high level factorisation

Function: >PCF8574  ( byte dev-addr -- )
  perform device!  1  perform {i2c-write  perform bus!  perform i2c}

Function: PCF8574>  ( dev-addr -- byte )
  perform device!  1  perform {i2c-read  perform bus@  perform i2c}

Generic Forth low level part of bitbang example

This example has the I2C interface pins connected like this.

SDA (Serial DAta line)          = bit-7
SCL (Serial CLock line)         = bit-6

The used addresses are for port-1 of the MSP430G2553:

Note that the MSP430 controller series does not have the easiest I/O structure to implement a bitbang version of I2C! This is because it only has push/pull outputs and I2C needs an open collector (or open drain) output. So this example code mimics open collector ports.

Minimal forth example reading EEPROM
Read byte from I2C EEPROM ***

Generic Forth example

Extra words: ABORT"  TUCK  
Words with hardware dependencies:
: *BIS  ( mask addr -- )        tuck c@ or  swap c! ; 
: *BIC  ( mask addr -- )        >r  invert  r@ c@ and  r> c! ;
: BIT*  ( mask addr -- b )      c@ and ;
20 constant P1IN        \ Port-1 input register
21 constant P1OUT       \ Port-1 output register
22 constant P1DIR       \ Port-1 direction register
26 constant P1SEL       \ Port-1 function select
27 constant P1REN       \ Port-1 resistor enable (pullup/pulldown)
42 constant P1SEL2      \ Port-1 function select-2
40 constant SCL         \ I2C clock line 
80 constant SDA         \ I2C data line
SCL SDA or constant IO  \ I2C bus lines
: WAIT          ( -- )  \ Delay of 5 µsec. must be trimmed!
    ( true  drop ) ;
: I2START       ( -- )
  scl p1out *bis  scl p1dir *bic  wait
  sda p1dir *bis  sda p1out *bic  wait ;
: I2ACK         ( -- )
  scl p1out *bic  scl p1dir *bis
  sda p1out *bic  sda p1dir *bis  wait
  scl p1out *bis  scl p1dir *bic  wait ;
: I2NACK        ( -- )
  scl p1out *bic  scl p1dir *bis
  sda p1out *bis  sda p1dir *bic  wait
  scl p1out *bis  scl p1dir *bic  wait ;
: I2ACK@        ( -- flag )
  scl p1out *bic  scl p1dir *bis
  sda p1out *bis  sda p1dir *bic  wait
  scl p1out *bis  scl p1dir *bic  wait
  sda p1in bit* nack? ! ;
: BUS!          ( byte -- )
  8 0 do
    scl p1out *bic  scl p1dir *bis
    dup 80 and if
      sda p1out *bis  sda p1dir *bic
      sda p1out *bic  sda p1dir *bis
    wait  2*
    scl p1out *bis  scl p1dir *bic  wait
  loop  drop  i2ack@ ;
: {I2C-ADDR     ( +n -- )
  drop  i2start  dev @ bus! ; \ Start I2C write with address in DEV
\ Higher level I2C access, hides internal details!
\ Note that this setup is valid for an MSP430 with external pull-up resistors attached!
\ On hardware which is able to use an open collector (or open source) with pull-up
\ resistor, you should initialise this mode!
: I2C-ON        ( -- )
  io p1ren *bic         \ Deactivate pull-up/pull-down resistors
  io p1dir *bic         \ SDA & SCL are inputs
  io p1out *bis         \ Which start high
  io p1sel *bic         \ Guarantee normal i/o on MSP430
  io p1sel2 *bic ;
: BUS@          ( -- byte )
  0  8 0 do
    scl p1out *bic  scl p1dir *bis
    sda p1out *bis  sda p1dir *bic  wait
    sda p1in bit*  0= 0= 1 and  or
    scl p1out *bis  scl p1dir *bic  wait
  loop  -1 sum +!
  sum @ if  i2ack  else  i2nack  then ;
: I2C}          ( -- )
  scl p1out *bic  scl p1dir *bis
  sda p1out *bic  sda p1dir *bis  wait
  scl p1out *bis  scl p1dir *bic  wait
  sda p1out *bis  sda p1dir *bic ;
: DEVICE!       ( dev -- )  2* FE and dev ! ;
: {DEVICE-OK?}  ( -- f )    0 {i2c-addr  i2c}  nack? @ 0= ; \ 'f' is true when an ACK was received
: {I2C-WRITE    ( +n -- )   {i2c-addr  nack? @ abort" Ack error" ; \ Start I2C write with device in DEV
: {I2C-READ     ( +n -- )     \ Start read to device in DEV
    sum !  i2start  dev @ 1+ bus!   \ Used for repeated start
    nack? @ abort" Ack error" ; 
\ Waiting for an EEPROM write to succeed is named acknowledge polling.
: {POLL}    ( -- )          begin  {device-ok?} until ; \ Wait until ACK received
: {I2C-OUT  ( dev +n -- )   swap  device!  {i2c-write ;
: {I2C-IN   ( dev +n -- )   swap  device!  {i2c-read ;
: BUS!}     ( b -- )        bus!  i2c} ;
: BUS@}     ( -- b )        bus@  i2c} ;
: BUS-MOVE  ( a u -- )      bounds ?do i c@ bus! loop ; \ Send string of bytes from 'a' with length 'u

I2C implementation examples

This example is for an 8-bit PCF8574 like I/O-expander:

: >PCF8574  ( byte dev-addr -- )
  device!  1 {i2c-write  bus!  i2c} ;
: PCF8574>  ( dev-addr -- byte )
  device!  1 {i2c-read  bus@  i2c} ;

More examples can be found in the file i2c-examples.f, for the EEPROM code you may adjust the address constant #EEPROM. Note that the programming page size is different between EEPROM sizes. More info in the file.
See the list of example words below.

Word Stack Description
I2C? ( dev – ) Show or device 'dev' is present on the bus
SCAN-I2C ( – ) Show a grid with all device addresses found on the bus
>PCF8574 ( b dev – ) Write data to 8-bit I/O-extender with 'dev' address
PCF8574> ( dev – b ) Read data from 8-bit I/O-extender with 'dev' address
EC@ ( addr – b ) Fetch byte from address in EEPROM
EC! ( b addr – ) Store byte to address in EEPROM
EDMP ( addr – ) Dump EEPROM memory from EEPROM 'addr' onward
WRITE-PAGE ( sa1 ta1 dev +n – sa2 ta2 )Write '+n' bytes data from 'sa1' to 'ta1' in 'dev' etc.
WRITE-MEMORY( sa ta u – ) Write 'u' bytes data from 'sa' to 'ta'
EEFILL ( a u b – ) Fill 'u' EEPROM bytes from address 'a' with byte 'b'

Dedicated implementations

Have a look at the sub directories for implementations for different systems.